Who do we treat?
Everyone, from newborn to the elderly. Our treatments are safe and effective for all.

What do we treat?
Anything and everything. See our Functional Illness chart (located in the ‘what we do’ section).

Can you fix my symptoms?
The treatment that we provide is not aimed so much at symptom relief but at the underlying causes of your dysfunction. Once the dysfunction heals the symptoms should disappear.

What can I expect from my treatment?
One of our primary aims through treatment is to help you grow and develop as a person through challenging your thoughts and beliefs. This ultimately leads to true healing.

What is the most important healing system in my body?
It is widely accepted that the major healing of the body is the immune system. The Immune System and the Emotional systems are closely linked, which is why we always address the Mental and Emotional aspects to improve function in both the short and long term.

Can infections and imbalances affect my structure?
We treat patients with chronic viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections, hormonal imbalances and chronic inflammatory conditions that affect not only the spine, neck, head and peripheral joints, but also the body in general.

How will I feel after my appointment?
This can be difficult to answer as everyone presents with different complaints and have varying degrees of healing Often even after the first treatment most people remark on how much calmer they feel and sleep better. Physical symptoms are most often significantly better after 3 treatments.

How long will it take to see results?
We have observed in over 40 years of practice that people report improvements mentally and physically (ie level of pain, discomfort, acute or chronic un wellness) within 1-3 treatments. Depending on the condition or number of conditions this can vary. Most often initial treatments are 3-5 visits for an adult, 2-4 visits for a child and 1-2 visits for a baby.

How often will I need to visit Integrated Health Care?
After the initial number of treatments (which may very from 4 - 8), we find the key to maintaining the improvements in your health is to follow a maintenance treatment programme (visits every 2 - 6 months), this way any new or current problems which may surface can be addressed. Good nutrition, exercise, sleep, open communication and a positive mental attitude are also important in getting well and staying well.

Do you cover ACC?
Yes we are ACC Registered by the Chiropractors and Physiotherapist in our practice.

How much does it cost?
Initial Consultation is 40 minutes and costs $200. At this appointment a detailed health history is taken, examination undertaken, medications and nutritional supplements assessed and treatment administered.

Follow up appointments are 20 minutes and cost $100.

Follow up appointment for child / adolescent (age 0-18, must still be attending secondary school) cost $90.